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Membership 2023/24 - How to join

Individual Membership is 15€.  There is a reduced membership fee for couples which is 25.  If joining after 1st March 2024, subscription fees are 8€ and 13€ respectively.  Membership is free for anyone 75 & older, students & under 18s.


There are several ways in which you can join:


1. HelloAsso enables ACFAA to offer an online platform at no cost to our Association. HelloAsso funds its platform by means of voluntary contributions from people using the site to join or book events. NOTE: You will be invited to make a donation to support HelloAsso during your use of the platform. This is entirely optional and is NOT a requirement of ACFAA membership.

2. All banking information used to process this payment is totally secure. Thanks to SSL encryption of your bank details, you can be sure of the reliability of your HelloAsso transactions.